Worried about your memory?
Do you...
- find it hard to follow conversations or programmes on TV?
- forget the names of friends or everyday objects?
- notice that you repeat yourself or lose the thread of what you are saying?
- feel confused even when in a familiar environment?
- struggle to remember arrangements or appointments you recently made?
- notice that family members start to comment on your forgetfulness?
Memory problems are common, however they can also be an early sign of a medical condition known as dementia. You should seek helpfrom your GP if you have persisting concerns that your memory is deteriorating and it impacts on your everyday abilities.
If you're worried about someone else, you should encourage them to make an appointment and perhaps suggest that you go along too.

Diagnosed with dementia?
The Alzheimer’s Society has developed a factsheet called After Diagnosis’ with tips and advice.
Stockport Groups for people living with dementia, their families, carers and friends.
Please find a list of the community dementia friendly groups:
- Monday (weekly) – Smile session - Cheadle Health
- Wednesday (monthly) – Drop in - Offerton
- Thursday (weekly) – Drop in - Romiley
To contact please follow link which will provide you with different contact numbers for the different groups:
Please contact the provider for further information (i.e. to check availability/cost). Please do not just turn up as some groups are full.
Local Services
The following local services are able to help you and anyone involved, with questions you may have:
- Local Alzheimer’s Society Office (for people diagnosed with any type of dementia and their carers) – 0161 483 4446
- Signpost Stockport for Carers – 0161 442 0442
- FLAG – for local Advice and Guidance in Stockport – 0161 474 1042
- Stockport Dementia Care Training (for family and friends) – 0161 716 4531
- Age UKStockport – 0161 480 121
- My Care My Choice website –
Or visit the Alzheimer’s Society online (all types of dementia) for information and advice:
Worried about your memory booklet
Get your staying connected Kit
Please don’t hesitate to ask for information or emotional, social, practical and financial support.
There is evidence that accessing help and support will assist both people with dementia and their family to manage better now and in the future.
Services are there for you to help you live well with dementia.